file created: 12/07/02 00:17:07 , last update: / /

SS-339 Catfish
United States Navy submarine
Class Laid down, Shipyard LaunchedCommissioned Disabled and Why
Balao 1944/01/06
Electric Boat Co., Groton, Conn.
1944/11/19 1945/03/19 1971/07/01
Namesake: Any of various species having catlike teeth, barbells around the mouth, including the common bullhead.
TTD differences from class:

WW II combat actions:
From Till Operation Force Action Source
45/06/1?       joinPac - Panama Canal   66 
45/06/29 45/08/08     P.H., Guam   66 
45/08/08 45/09/07     patro01: reconn minefields off Honshu, Kjushu   66 
45/08/15 45/09     patro01: Yellow Sea - surface patrol, lifeguard duty   66 

Ship status, hull number changes...: 1971/07/01 struck from Navy List
Ship score (awards, enemy ships credited...): 1 Battle Star, 1 patrol
Notice: sold to Argentina > Santa Fe