file created: 12/07/02 00:58:21 , last update: 12/22/00

DE-642 Paul G. Baker
United States Navy destroyer escort
Class Laid down, Shipyard LaunchedCommissioned Disabled and Why
Buckley -
Bethlehem Steel Co., San Francisco, Cal.
1944/05/25 1969
Namesake: LT Paul G. Baker, pil. VF-2, KIA 42/05/07 x Coral Sea
TTD differences from class:
Camouflage: 44: Ms 32/22d, 45: Ms 21

WW II combat actions:
From Till Operation Force Action Source
45/03/2? 45/04 Iceber 53.6     86 
45/03/2? 45/03/31 Iceber 52.1.3 temporarily attached   66 
45/03/21 45/03/2?     escort (with William C. Cole) AKA Theenim and Lacerta to Marianas, then sail to Ulithi   66 

Ship status, hull number changes...:
Ship score (awards, enemy ships credited...):