file created: 12/07/02 00:27:46 , last update: / /

DE-349 Gentry
United States Navy destroyer escort
Class Laid down, Shipyard LaunchedCommissioned Disabled and Why
John C. Butler 1943/12/13
Consolidated Steel Corp., Ltd., Orange, Tex.
1944/02/15 1944/06/14 1973/01/15
Namesake: Lt Wayne R. Gentry, pil. VS-71 MIA 42/11/02
TTD differences from class:

WW II combat actions:
From Till Operation Force Action Source
45/02/0?       joinPac - Panama Canal   66 
45/02/0? 45/02/20     sail from Panama to Manus   66 
45/02/20 45/06     convoy duty among New Guinea, Philippines, Ulithi, Palaus   66 
45/07       escort convoy to Okinawa, then RP duty off Okinawa   66 
45/08       convoy duty among Layte, Manila Bay, New Guinea, Okinawa   66 

Ship status, hull number changes...: 1972/01/15 struck from Navy List
Ship score (awards, enemy ships credited...):