file created: 12/07/02 00:30:03 , last update: / /

DE-182 Gustafson
United States Navy destroyer escort
Class Laid down, Shipyard LaunchedCommissioned Disabled and Why
Cannon -
Federal Shipb. & Drydock Co., NEwark, N.J.
1943/10/03 1943/11/01 1950/10/23
Namesake: Lt Arthur Leonard Gustafson *1913/06/13 KIA onbord DD Peary 1942/02/19 in Port Darwin
TTD differences from class:
Camouflage: 44: Ms 22

WW II combat actions:
From Till Operation Force Action Source
45/07/27 45/08/09     joinPac - Panama Canal - sail to San Diego   66 
45/08/09 45/08/1?     sail from San Diego to P.H.   66 

Ship status, hull number changes...:
Ship score (awards, enemy ships credited...): 1 Battle Star
Notice: sold to Netherlands > F-808 Van Ewijk