Royal Navy aircraft carrier
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Class | Laid down, Shipyard | Launched | Commissioned | Disabled and Why | |
Implacable | 1939/03/21 Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co Ltd, | 1941/12/10 | 1944/08/28 | 1955/11/03
scrap | |
Namesake: | |||||
TTD differences from class: | |||||
Camouflage: |
WW II combat actions:
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From | Till | Operation | Force | Action | Source |
45/06 |   |   |   | joinPac |   |
45/06/12 | 45/06/15 | Inmate | 111.2 | raid Truk |   81  |
45/07/01 | 45/08/15 |   | 37 | (801 Sq., 880 Sq., 1771 Sq., 828 Sq.) |   104  |